My baby is THREE months old today!!! Ahhh! What is she up to...
*She now weighs 11 lbs. 11 oz. (as of 4/26/10)
*Talks ALL THE TIME!! She LOVES to talk to her toys and to her Mommy :)
*She can grab at her toys! Her hand/eye coordination still is not perfect, but man, if she wants something, she makes it happen!
*Is such a happy baby! She smiles at you and makes happy squeals
*Is a wiggle worm! If I lay her down, she'll end up head down from where she started. She also rolls over alot better now.
*She has a "blankie" that she's attached to. It is SO cute! It really does the trick if she's fighting sleep...I just lay it by the side of her face and she holds it b/w her little hands and is out like a light!
*Once again, is truely a Mommy's girl (atleast for now). If I'm not holding her, she is constantly searching for me to make sure I'm near :)
Peyton had a doctor's appt. yesterday for the rest of her "2 mo." shots and she did SO good! She only started to fuss on the last shot! I was very proud of her :) Our next appt. is in about 5 weeks, which will be her 4 month check up and she'll get more shots....whoo hoo :/
We are headed to Orlando this weekend. We're getting "family pictures" taken. I've been constantly stressing over what we should wear. Just when I think I have an idea, I change my mind. Oh well, they're going to turn out great!! I'm just praying that Peyton is in a good mood :)
so sweet! happy 3 months!
i love her bedding! it's so cute!
Love this cute picture. I also love her socks... I am so glad that you have some of these... I saw some like this and I was hoping that you had some for Peyton.
Yeah, I love the "shoe socks" too :)
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