FOUR months already?!
Let's see what's happened in the past month.....
Length- 25 3/4ths in. (92nd!! %tile)
Weight- 13 lbs. 12 oz. (34th %tile)
Clothes size- 3/6 months (I''ve already filled a bin full of all the clothes she can't fit into anymore!! :()
Diapers- 1-2
*her paci
*her blankie
*her family
*bath time
*chewing on her hands/or really anything she gets ahold of
*getting rocked to sleep
*attention...oh boy
*to hold mine/or her Daddy's hand (awwww :))
*having books read to her
*sleep (fights it every time!)
*to be by herself (if you leave her sight she pitches a FIT!)
*sometimes, getting her diaper changed
*time to church 5/23/10
*tastes of: (and I'm not saying I'm proud of this and I was also not the one giving some of these to her....a certain grandpa may be to blame...;))
-caff. free coke
-a pickle
-frozen custard (she LOVES this, lol)
-italian ice
*carousel ride
*trip to the beach/vacation
*swim in the pool
*reach, grab, and hold
*roll over (still working on the back to tummy)
*mimic you (blow raspberries back at you, "talk back" to you)
*notices her feet and loves to grab at them and watch them move
*has become interested in her doggy, Cody (she reaches for him and will follow him around the room with her eyes)
*loves to feel faces (noses especially, lol)
I used to be able to put her down around 9 and she would sleep until about 3:30, nurse, go back to sleep, wake again at 5:30 to nurse and then sleep until around 7ish and we'd be up for the day. For about the past month, she's been waking SEVERAL times throughout the night (ughhhh!!). I don't think she's teething. (Believe me, I'm keeping an eye on those gums!) I just pray it doesn't last much longer!!
I cannot believe how much she's grown and changed this month. She's picked up on so many new things! She has developed such an adorable personality..she's a hoot! I'm enjoying the Mommy ride and taking it all in!:) Bring on month 5....