Monday, May 31, 2010

1,2,3, FOUR!!

FOUR months already?!

Let's see what's happened in the past month.....


Length- 25 3/4ths in. (92nd!! %tile)
Weight- 13 lbs. 12 oz. (34th %tile)
Clothes size- 3/6 months (I''ve already filled a bin full of all the clothes she can't fit into anymore!! :()
Diapers- 1-2


*her paci
*her blankie
*her family
*bath time
*chewing on her hands/or really anything she gets ahold of
*getting rocked to sleep
*attention...oh boy
*to hold mine/or her Daddy's hand (awwww :))
*having books read to her


*sleep (fights it every time!)
*to be by herself (if you leave her sight she pitches a FIT!)
*sometimes, getting her diaper changed


*time to church 5/23/10
*tastes of: (and I'm not saying I'm proud of this and I was also not the one giving some of these to her....a certain grandpa may be to blame...;))
-caff. free coke
-a pickle
-frozen custard (she LOVES this, lol)
-italian ice
*carousel ride
*trip to the beach/vacation
*swim in the pool


*reach, grab, and hold
*roll over (still working on the back to tummy)
*mimic you (blow raspberries back at you, "talk back" to you)
*notices her feet and loves to grab at them and watch them move
*has become interested in her doggy, Cody (she reaches for him and will follow him around the room with her eyes)
*loves to feel faces (noses especially, lol)


I used to be able to put her down around 9 and she would sleep until about 3:30, nurse, go back to sleep, wake again at 5:30 to nurse and then sleep until around 7ish and we'd be up for the day. For about the past month, she's been waking SEVERAL times throughout the night (ughhhh!!). I don't think she's teething. (Believe me, I'm keeping an eye on those gums!) I just pray it doesn't last much longer!!

I cannot believe how much she's grown and changed this month. She's picked up on so many new things! She has developed such an adorable personality..she's a hoot! I'm enjoying the Mommy ride and taking it all in!:) Bring on month 5....

Congrats Sarah and Josh!!

(May 29, 2010....I must say, he did good :))

Peyton's First Beach Experiance

Peyton and I spent this past week at The Hammock Beach Resort in Palm Coast. My Dad rented a condo for our family (He, my mom, sisters, P and I). My hubby wasn't able to go due to work :( but Peyton and I had a great time! Peyton experienced several firsts on this trip....

Her first-

carousel ride
toes in the sand/grass
feet in the ocean
time in the pool

We discovered on this trip that she loves feeling different textures. She LOVED the sand!! She was squealing the entire time, it was SO cute! :) She also loved the pool. We bought her a little float (it had a canopy to keep the sun off of her! :)) and from the moment I put her in, it was instant relaxation for this little chick. She probably could have fallen asleep if it weren't for her wanting to watch all the other little kids play in the water. We spent most of the time at the pool and spent a day in St. Augustine shopping. (You can't stay 20 mins outside of St Auggie and NOT hit the outlets!!)

Overall, we had a wonderful time. It's always good to be with family!! (even though we missed Daddy TERRIBLY!!)

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I have returned! And maybe with a smidge bit of sun :)

Pictures to come!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sand and sun

This time tomorrow, Peyton and I will be headed to Palm Coast for a week vacation on the beach with my family :)

It has been quite some time since my usedtobetan body has seen the sun and I'm looking forward to it! (...even if my body isn't in "beach shape" yet)

Relaxation, here we come :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Family Photoshoot

to preview some of them, check out this link-

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

My First

My first Mother's Day was absolutely wonderful! My family was coming to spend the day with us Sunday, and Austin and I wanted to have our own day, so we celebrated Saturday too. (Which I can't say I minded ;)) Austin and I tossed around going to the zoo, but decided it would be too hot. Instead, Austin made me breakfast, cleaned the house a little for me, took me shopping at the outlets, and gave me special gift (picture below). We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but it was perfect :). Sunday, my family came for a visit. We ate at Carrabas for lunch and just spent the afternoon relaxing while everyone fought over Peyton. (Typical lol)

I am truly blessed to have such wonderful, Godly women in my life. Especially now that I've been given the wonderful privilege to be a mother myself, it is a great comfort to know I have such great guidance.

Mom, thank you for all the selfless years you've invested in me. I can never express how grateful I am to have a mother like you. I pray Peyton and I will have the same relationship we have!!

Mom R, thank you for raising such a wonderful son that I can call my husband. Because of him, I am able to stay at home with Peyton and be the best Mommy I can be :)

I think Mother's Day is my new favorite day of the year :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

(early :))

I will be celebrating my *first* Mother's Day with these loves of my life for the next two days ♥