Her first-
carousel ride
toes in the sand/grass
feet in the ocean
time in the pool
We discovered on this trip that she loves feeling different textures. She LOVED the sand!! She was squealing the entire time, it was SO cute! :) She also loved the pool. We bought her a little float (it had a canopy to keep the sun off of her! :)) and from the moment I put her in, it was instant relaxation for this little chick. She probably could have fallen asleep if it weren't for her wanting to watch all the other little kids play in the water. We spent most of the time at the pool and spent a day in St. Augustine shopping. (You can't stay 20 mins outside of St Auggie and NOT hit the outlets!!)
Overall, we had a wonderful time. It's always good to be with family!! (even though we missed Daddy TERRIBLY!!)
I'm jealous! But I LOVE the picture of her sandy feet, it's a-dor-able! I can't wait to take Collin to a pool and the beach. He loves the bath so much I know he'd have a blast in the big tub!
Peyton loves the bath too...thats why the pool came as no suprise lol
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