Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I asked this on my Facebook too.....but Peyton has colic....I've diagnosed her myself because the poor baby cries ALL.DAY.LONG. and for no reason. I hate it :( And we have tried everything we know. We give her Mylicon, bounce her, I feed her as much as I think she wants it, we've even layed her down in her crib and just let her fuss (after I KNOW she's full and has a clean diaper) and she just does not quit. Anyone try something different and it work??
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I don't have any good suggestions myself, but I'll do a blog post to see if any of my readers can help you!
I found your blog through Angela & was truing to think of something that you can try. My baby, Collin, used to instantly fall asleep & be happy as soon as we put him in his car seat, and he also loved just going for walks in the stroller - that would really calm him down if he was being fussy. I am sure that you have already tried these, but just thought I would let you know what worked for us just in case. I love your daughter's name too!
I was just talking with a friend at church Sunday about her children being Colicky. Try and eliminate milk in your diet while she is nursing....I am assuming you nurse your baby. Make sure that you are taking calcium supplement though. If eliminating the milk it is probably something your eating that is making her gassy though. Do give your body 4 weeks to totally rid itself of dairy from your body to know for sure if that is what causing your baby to have colic.
My little guy was colicky the first few months, also. I had to eliminate all dairy from my diet (including cheese, though butter was okay- this lasted until he was about 6 months old, then I was able to eat it again. Though, he didn't really outgrow his direct intolerance for dairy until about 11 months of age...) but out of everything, gripe water was our BEST friend. You can find it at Walgreens, health food stores, and I'm sure Babies R Us has some. It worked wonders for us, even later on to help soothe hiccups. It comes in a bottle with a little syringe, you keep it in the fridge...don't know what I would have done without it!
Hi Michelle,
Have you heard of "The Happiest Baby on the Block"? It's an awesome DVD that helps with colicky babies. Have you tried swaddling her? My son LOVED to be swaddled and so we always swaddled him until he was around 4 months old.
I would go to your local bookstore or your hospital store may even carry it, but I suggest getting the DVD. It is awesome.
Let me know if you give it a try!
Angela posted on her blog that you needed some help with this....
First of all, I am sorry your sweet baby is so miserable. It makes mommy miserable, too. Try this tip a friend recommended to husband would lay our son across his lap on his stomach. He put his clean finger in the baby's mouth and pressed on the roof. The baby sucked his finger and instantly stopped crying. I know it sounds weird, but at that point, we were willing to try ANYTHING. Sometimes put him in his car seat on top of the washer or dryer during a cycle. The noise and the vibration seemed to work.
Hope things get better soon!
You might want to try cutting out chocolate as well. I've heard that it can cause fussy babies. Oh, and caffeine.
You also might want to take her to the doctor to see if he/she has any advice.
Oh, and I had a baby on January 26 just a few days before you. And her middle name is Nicole, too. But she's my third child.
Thanks everyone! I'll give everything a shot! Leanna- what kind of gripe water did you buy? When I was looking it up I see that there are several brands
I'm over from Angela's blog. I don't have any babies yet but I do work in the birth center at the hospital. Baby Bliss Gripe Water is the BEST! It's available at Wal-Greens (probably the same thing LeAnna is talking about). It's all natural and works a ton better than mylicon. Here's the link:
Oops, it doesn't look like the link worked. Just google Baby Bliss Gripe Water....also another thing I tell new mom's is get a prescription for APNO cream, it works a lot better than lanolin cream if you are really sore from nursing or have a nasty infection.
Thanks Stacy!! Is that cream safe to leave on? Or do you have to remove it before nursing?
Chandler was also this way...I tried everything. Gripe Water did help (Little Tummies Brand) and the little tummies gas drops..we would alternate those after nursing. But honestly with a true colicky baby it is something you just have to get through. I do remember a very bad couple of weeks and then it gradually got better. But we would take Chandler outside immediately when he got like this and it helped tremendously..and does great things for your nerves :) We also would lay him on his stomach on our legs patted his back- it helped. We did Babywise and if I will say that I had to feed often in the beginning to comfort him...but we were still able to get established on a schedule pretty early so its not impossible.
Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child has some great chapters on colic and how to get into a schedule with a colicky baby.
Just pray through it and I promised these times will be gone before you know it and you will be looking at your big 6 month old!
Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.
Also see these the posts on this page..This blog has been very helpful to me. The dairy thing could be a culprit so you could try that...
I am so sorry for you! My little one is 9 months old now and I swear she cried bloody murder screams for about the first 8ish weeks of her life. I was a wreck. We did everything. I didn't eat anything with the slightest amount of spice, milk, or caffeine. We swaddled her and stomped around the house. We went on middle of the night car rides (this work wonders!). We ran the vaccum pretty much continuously for those 8 weeks. For some reason vaccums are very soothing. I thought at times that my vaccum might blow up, but thankfully it never did. We watched youtube videos on Happiest Baby on the Block, so we tried the same swaddling and shooshing (and this worked except when we had to stop to catch our breath). Finally around 7-8 weeks later the spells just started coming less and less. She still remained an extremely high maintenance crabby baby until about 3-4ish months. It was definitely the hardest 2 months of my life. I wish I had some words of wisdom, but all I can say is hang in there. This will not last forever (even though it seems like an eternity!). Good luck.
I am so sorry to hear that your sweet little girl has colic. It is tough to listen to them cry and not be able to comfort them. I posted a Colic article on my Mommy Buzz site. Check it out and see if it helps. At this point you have probably read and tried everything.
I do like the little tummies brand of gripe water and everything else little .... (you know that brand.)Good luck and update us with how she is doing.
Also, if this continues and it ends up being a milk allergy, you should try the Nutramagen formula. Or something of that line... I have a friend who knows all about it so let me know and I will get you in touch with her.
Here is the direct link to the colic article.
I don't think you have to wipe the APNO cream off before nursing but don't know for sure. It is a prescription and pretty expensive but worth it!
We had similar issues with our little bear and had to use many different "tricks" to get by. One thing would only help for so long.
Some babies are ultra sensitive to what's going on around them. One of our tricks was white noise. We never got a whole gadget for it, but we downloaded the free sound file from and looped it for a long time and sometimes that helped her calm down.
No matter what, try to remember that this will pass. I hope sooner than later, but keep praying and leaning on God to prop you up when you are literally falling down with exhaustion. :)
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