Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Stay tuned
I promise some of Peyton, our move, and others are to come...after Thanksgiving that is :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Round and round
I should be in bed, but instead, I'm at the computer piddling around.
My mind is going about a hundred miles a minute. There is absolutely nothing I can do to slow it down. For whatever reason, I always seem to decide to choose the time when I lie in bed at night to start making my "mental lists".
I hate when I do that. Because once it starts, there is no stopping it.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am in the middle of packing up one house and unpacking another....or that next weekend is Thanksgiving and my baby is going to be TEN MONTHS OLD!! Holy Mickey Mouse people...she is T-W-O stinking months away from being an official "toddler "
Oh yeah, and then there's the Christmas cards. Even more pressure is on there because I'm getting them for FREE and they're going to be THE BOMB so, duh, now I have to think of coordinating outfit combos...and where to take the picture...and when find the time to take the picture!!! ((catching breath))
Dear Jesus, I need two of me, maybe even three.
Annnnnd the Christmas presents. Every.stinking.year I say that next year I'm going to be smart and start getting things early. Yeah right. I thought present shopping was hard before having a child, this year should be interesting.
Even though this is one crazy/busy/hectic time, I am so thankful for it. God has blessed me with an amazing husband, a beautiful, perfect baby girl, and wonderful family and friends. If I didn't have them, there would be no reason for awesome cards and birthday parties. Sometimes it's just too easy to get wrapped up in ^all the above^ and forget about what's truely important.
::deeeeeep breath:: It will get done. Everything that needs to get done will get done. Sometimes it just feels good to get it all out on paper, er, blog.
.....though I wouldn't turn down an offer to plan P's awesome party ;)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Christmas Cards for FREE?!?!
...Um, yes please!!!!
Shutterfly is offering 50 free Christmas cards to fellow bloggers!!! All you have to do is register your blog on their website and write a post about how awesome Shutterfly is ;) (well, I think they are!!)
I forget how I found out about Shutterfly. But I've been using their site for atleast a year now. I've ordered everything from Peyton's birth announcements to cards, and photobooks (all that I've tried so far...). Their quality is amazing and I have seriously loved everything I've ordered!! They have so many options to choose from for their products, ranging from traditional to contemporary....a style for everyone!
Their Christmas cards are to die for. Here are some of the styles I was thinking about choosing:

The possibilities are endless people!!
If you haven't tried Shutterfly, I suggest you head over there and check them out NOW!! You will NOT be dissapointed!!!
Here's where you can get your free cards:
Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up:
Monday, November 8, 2010
For sale...
I purchased it for $100 and am asking $45 for it. Please email me if you're interested!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Last time in the single digits!!
Things you can do:
*stack your play rings
*give kisses
*turn pages of books (the right way, and sometimes still backwards haha)
*chew really well
*said "Bu-bu Dada" (Bye bye Daddy) and "Hi Dada"
*high five
*is crawling FULL FORCE and are FAST
*is pulling up on EVERYTHING. She is not content unless she is trying to stand
*say "baby"
Things you Love:
*the Gummy Bear song and the Hampster Dance song
*to be chased around the room
*playing Peek a Boo
Some Changes I've noticed:
*that you aren't so attached to your blankie anymore. I used to just lay it next to you and you would grab it and go right to sleep. Now, you don't snuggle with it anymore, unless your in the car.
*you are a serious snuggler. You HATE going to bed, but if I'll rock you, you won't fight it so bad
*You had your first sickness :( - You had RSV and we had to give you breathing treatments, which you HATED. You are not the type of baby that deals well with being sick. I pray you (we) rarely ever have to deal with that!
Update on the list
Places to Go Before We Leave Tampa:
*Sponge docks in Tarpon Springs
*Playground/park*Sunset at the dock
*Clearwater Beach*Aquarium
*Zoo*Pumpkin patch
*Take a picture of Peyton in front of--NPR sign
-hospital sign
Will put pictures from each as soon as I return home! :)