I should be in bed, but instead, I'm at the computer piddling around.
My mind is going about a hundred miles a minute. There is absolutely nothing I can do to slow it down. For whatever reason, I always seem to decide to choose the time when I lie in bed at night to start making my "mental lists".
I hate when I do that. Because once it starts, there is no stopping it.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am in the middle of packing up one house and unpacking another....or that next weekend is Thanksgiving and my baby is going to be TEN MONTHS OLD!! Holy Mickey Mouse people...she is T-W-O stinking months away from being an official "toddler "
Oh yeah, and then there's the Christmas cards. Even more pressure is on there because I'm getting them for FREE and they're going to be THE BOMB so, duh, now I have to think of coordinating outfit combos...and where to take the picture...and when find the time to take the picture!!! ((catching breath))
Dear Jesus, I need two of me, maybe even three.
Annnnnd the Christmas presents. Every.stinking.year I say that next year I'm going to be smart and start getting things early. Yeah right. I thought present shopping was hard before having a child, this year should be interesting.
Even though this is one crazy/busy/hectic time, I am so thankful for it. God has blessed me with an amazing husband, a beautiful, perfect baby girl, and wonderful family and friends. If I didn't have them, there would be no reason for awesome cards and birthday parties. Sometimes it's just too easy to get wrapped up in ^all the above^ and forget about what's truely important.
::deeeeeep breath:: It will get done. Everything that needs to get done will get done. Sometimes it just feels good to get it all out on paper, er, blog.
.....though I wouldn't turn down an offer to plan P's awesome party ;)
I had a lot of fun planning Collin's birthday party. If you seriously want some help, let me know. It'll be fun! I've made the invitations for several parties and showers recently. I love planning stuff like that :)
breathe in breathe out...lol!
hope you got moved and starting to get settled!?
have a wonderful thanksgiving!
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