try to figure out the words........
Ever hear a song that is SOO catchy and you like it, yet if someone were to ask you what it was about, you couldn't tell them a dern word?? I have a song like that in my head right now, and it's driving me CRAZY! The funny thing is, the words circulating in my head are my
own interpretation, haha. Austin and I crack ourselves up making up our own lyrics and dance moves. You should try it sometime ;)
This weekend was a low-key one. We haven't had too many of those in quite some time now. Austin's job has had him out of town for the past three weeks in a row! So this weekend he just wanted to be "guy" and stay in and watch some football. We rented some flicks and ofcourse (for my sake) got some icecream to go with. We leave this Thursday night for Washington, DC. We are taking a spur-of-the-moment, quick trip with my parents. I'm really excited!! I
LOVE to travel! Then next weekend we are off, yet again, to Destin for our
2ND anniversary!! I can
NOT believe it has been two years
In two years, we:
1. Bought our first home (after only three months of marriage, mind you!)
2. Bought our first car together (my GORGEOUS, 2009 Mazda 3)
3. Moved away from family (really goes with #1)
4. Had two puppies...the first one, not a good story rip Max :(
5. Visited Arizona- Grand Canyon and all over
6. Visited Nevada- Las Vegas baby! ;)
7. Visited San Francisco
8. Now Washington!
Just a few major highlights. Austin and I are EXTREMELY blessed, and are SO thankful for everything that the Lord has given and allowed us!!
Well, work calls for a LONG day tomorrow, so I suppose I should wrap this up...consider it, done :)